To Continue to be No.1
The light weight of CE28N is now incorporated to the SL model which includes the most recent technical analysis with a new approach. As similar to the SL model of the TE37, the mass around the center cap area has been removed, recreating the center circle. Mass has been removed where possible while rigidity has been gained by added thickness where required.
The answer to the weight loss is 50 grams.
Now to the sprint model: CE28SL, where evolution never stops.
- Method:Forged 1pc Wheel (Reverse Rim)
- RAYS original test:JWL+R Spec 2
- Color:Pressed Graphite (PG)
- Included:Air Valve, Spoke Stickers (2pcs)、Rim Sticker

RAYS prominent design mold forging
The design mold forging technique creates and forges into the ideal shape. This forging method provide the strength and rigidity to the wheel as originally designed by creating the fiber flow seamless throughout the wheel.

Optimized by RAYS latest analysis technology
More mass was removed from the CE28N, which already boasts lightweight properties. The wheel analysis was done over and over to shave off mass not directly related to strength. In addition, rigidity was gained by slightly adding thickness to wherever necessary.

The center circle achieves weight loss by becoming the SL model.
The center cap mounting portion was removed to provide weight savings. With this, the center circle gained an overhang design to furnish weight loss without sacrificing rigidity.